Privacy Consulting
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
The GDPR is changing the way businesses operate. MCG can assist with data mapping, creating a DPIA, advising on changes to Codes of Conduct as well as mediate problem areas with technical and policy advice. MCG has created a custom DPIA template to streamline the DPIA process. In addition to providing thorough documentation, the MCG custom DPIA workflow focuses on promoting Awareness of the GDPR throughout an organization. The result is deliverable that allows a clear, real-time assessment along with a future roadmap for remediation. Please contact us to learn more about our custom DPIA process.
Privacy Shield and Binding Corporate Rules (BCR)
MCG has expertise in assisting organizations in becoming Privacy Shield compliant. We also can assist with decision making as to whether an organization could benefit from establishing BCR’s to address internal data transfers.
Privacy by Design
Establishing privacy by default requires both policy and technical know-how. Our team can recommend tools and strategies to reach this goal. Whether it is advising on a new product or analyzing an entire organization, our expertise can help.
Blockchain Education and Consulting
The use of distributed ledger technologies is revolutionizing the exchange of good and services and will require lawyers to have a technical understanding of how they work. Data security, privacy, and yes, even e-discovery will all be affected by Blockchain technologies. Undoubtedly, we are approaching a time where understanding of Blockchain technologies will be needed during the implementation of litigation holds and subsequent Meet and Confer conferences. MCG can assist in educating and advising on these issues.
Tom Matzen moderating “Blockchain Revolution” panel at the Masters Conference in Dallas, TX.